The Smithers Farmers' Institute has been involved, both directly and in an advisory capacity, in initiatives that answer questions and provide information for producers in the Bulkley Valley.
Partnerships with government and non-government organizations include:
Over the last three years, the Smithers Farmers Institute has been participating in a working group and several project advisory committees for projects started under the BC Climate Action Initiative. These projects have focused on water management (keyline design, upland water management), gathering baseline information on native pollinators, pest management, collaborative fuel treatments (for wildfire), developing guides and testing tools to help determine the best forages to plant for extreme weather events,
Partnerships with government and non-government organizations include:
- Ministry of Agriculture & Food
- University of Northern BC
- Young Agrarians
- Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako
- Bulkley Valley Cattlemen's Association
- BC Forage Council
- Climate Action Initiative/Climate Change Adaptation Program
Over the last three years, the Smithers Farmers Institute has been participating in a working group and several project advisory committees for projects started under the BC Climate Action Initiative. These projects have focused on water management (keyline design, upland water management), gathering baseline information on native pollinators, pest management, collaborative fuel treatments (for wildfire), developing guides and testing tools to help determine the best forages to plant for extreme weather events,