The Smithers Farmers' Institute (SFI) is the voice of a diverse group of farmers. Established in 1909, the SFI recognizes that farming is not just a lifestyle - it puts food on the plates of families throughout the Bulkley Valley.
The SFI has been hosting conferences, workshops, participating in working groups to help develop a regional food and agriculture strategy, a regional food hub feasibility assessment, participating in province-wide Farmers' Institute gatherings, and sitting on project advisory committees for the Climate Change Adaptation Program.
Join the Smithers Farmers' Institute and let's talk all things agriculture!
The SFI has been hosting conferences, workshops, participating in working groups to help develop a regional food and agriculture strategy, a regional food hub feasibility assessment, participating in province-wide Farmers' Institute gatherings, and sitting on project advisory committees for the Climate Change Adaptation Program.
Join the Smithers Farmers' Institute and let's talk all things agriculture!