Taegan Bajer, one of the student sponsorship winners, submitted three photos and a background for his families farm:
"Flying Hands Farm is a green micro-business that is land based. We are non profit. We keep the planet in mind with all our strategies. Minimal, compostable and recycled packaging is used. The land has no chemical use. People use a small fraction of the land base with the rest left for nature. About a third of our farm is wetland habitat with a thriving amphibian population, another third is treed slope where our water is made. We are predator friendly. Our guardian Great Pyrennes dogs and Curly horses deal wisely with bears, wolves, coyotes, wildcats. Our guardian rare breed Bashkir Curly horses are responsible for the immaculate lawns, weeding, edging and small hills of composted manure that becomes new fertile soil. We use no tillage gardening methods that do not kill micro-organisms in the soil. We are off-grid experimenting with bio-thermal greenhousing and composting methods. We try to develop low tech simple solutions to our energy needs."
"Flying Hands Farm is a green micro-business that is land based. We are non profit. We keep the planet in mind with all our strategies. Minimal, compostable and recycled packaging is used. The land has no chemical use. People use a small fraction of the land base with the rest left for nature. About a third of our farm is wetland habitat with a thriving amphibian population, another third is treed slope where our water is made. We are predator friendly. Our guardian Great Pyrennes dogs and Curly horses deal wisely with bears, wolves, coyotes, wildcats. Our guardian rare breed Bashkir Curly horses are responsible for the immaculate lawns, weeding, edging and small hills of composted manure that becomes new fertile soil. We use no tillage gardening methods that do not kill micro-organisms in the soil. We are off-grid experimenting with bio-thermal greenhousing and composting methods. We try to develop low tech simple solutions to our energy needs."